Monday, May 27, 2013

The Move (original date 6/16/2010)

I have been off for awhile as we moved to Maine at the end of May and I have been working real hard to get the house set up. The boys handled the move differently, Donald understood everything about the move but still got his stress cough. He wanted to move but was nervous about everything being different. Once he started school and made some friends his cough went away. Karl got very quiet and withdrawn for a few days and he was a little destructive. K&K had a hard time falling asleep for naps & bedtime, it would take them up to two hours to fall asleep.  Kyle had a hard time sleeping for the first two weeks, he was waking up several times a night. A few days after the move Mike had to go on the road for almost two weeks. I think the boys got confused because they had a new house & daddy was gone for a long time. Mike came home last Friday and was home all weekend, by the second night K&K nap & bedtime was back to normal. The move has been hardest on my Gorgeous Karissa since she is still in RI. Karissa and her bf brought Jordyn up our first weekend here to help unpack. I know she has cried a lot about us moving but in the long run our move will make her stronger. She needs to have more faith in herself as she is a very smart woman and a wonderful mother.
Moving into a new house is a great time to set new rules. One rule I made was the kids can only have food in the kitchen. This has been great, no crushed cereal in the living room, no cookies under the couch cushions & a lot less cleaning for me :) In our new house there is an enclosed porch which we have made the boys playroom. Rule number two - toys are on the porch or outside only, no toys in the rest of the house. This has been the best because they are watching a lot less TV, before they would play and have the TV as background noise so the TV was on all day (I know bad Mama but it was my only vice). Another bonus to the porch, the drums are out there so it is quieter in the house & again a lot less cleaning.
Overall the move has been great. It is amazing how relaxed everyone can be without the neighbors tauting the kids &  3 Pitbulls barking all the time. Four the first time in four years the boys can enjoy playing outside. Since Karl is 3 & Kyle is 2, this means that until moving here they never knew playing outside could be safe & fun. Our dog Katenna is more relaxed, she has even started playing with the kids outside. Since the Pitbulls attacked her three and a half  years ago she has been afraid of everything & has  had  high anxiety. Most people didn't even know we had a dog because she would hide all the time.  Even Donald's Hermit Crabs are relaxed & out playing more.
The hard part of the move is missing Karissa, Jordyn & my friends. I have vowed to myself to be more outgoing but not quite sure how to make friends here yet. I am sure it will help when our Licence plates are changed to Maine, then I won't look like a summer visitor.

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