Through the years I worked retail and found that I loved setting up displays and many people told me I was a natural at decorating. Fast forward to about 5 years ago, I started making bunting sets for Karl to keep his hands warm while sleeping since we had drafty windows. When I finished I thought maybe I could make PJ bottoms so I wouldn't have to pay $38.00 anymore to get my size. One day I talked my older sister about an idea to start my own business. My thought was to start a Decorating Business where I would make curtains, pillows and other items for clients to decorate with. She said my idea was to vague and would never work even though I tried to explain that being versatile would help as i would be able to change with the times. I took time and did some research and starting 'Karleen's Ideas for Colors & Decorating.' Then the housing market went down, way down so no one was decorating. Then I was asked by Donald's OT if I could make weighted blankets because many parents could not afford online prices. I did a lot of research and made one, his OT loved it and parents asked me to make them for their children. Over the next couple of years I learned a lot about Autism as Donald and Karl with diagnosed. I was continuously making news things to help them and I dropped 'for Colors & Decorating' from my business name.
Most of my work over the next couple of years was making weighted blankets & weighted vests. During this time I started making Shell Crafts again which had been a childhood hobby for me. I did craft fairs in RI now & then, everyone loved my work but I sold very little. I continued to make weighted items for some of the RI Early Intervention programs, received a few online orders and some sales to friends. When we moved to Maine, I continued making weighted items and started to expand to other sensory items. I also built up stock of fleece items, jewelry and shell crafts. In 2011 I set up for a few crafts fairs, did The Tuesday Night Market, again everyone loved my work but sales were not happening as I had wished :( Having three boys with Autism, I found packing up everything for fairs to be too time consuming for the few sales I had. I then did research and found that our house was zoned Home Occupation, I decided to open a shop at the house. This way I could be here for the boys, make dinner, clean house, make items and run the shop. I decorated the porch, got bookshelves from freecycle, got permits and used facebook to spread the word about Karleen's Ideas. On December 3, 2011 our family took part in the Hat Parade and handed out flyers for the opening with a coupon for the shop.
On December 11,2011 I opened the Shop, I was nervous, scared, excited and hopeful all at once. I had a few friends stop buy to make a purchase and support my opening. When I found out that I was only allowed 5 costumers a day, I had hoped I would be lucky enough to get 5 costumers a week. Well in reality I maybe have 5 customers in the shop every few months. Luckily online sales picked to help keep the shop afloat. Throughout the year, I have done many posts on facebook (even got bashed for some), networked with other small businesses online, started a Shop Local-Southern Maine group, donate items for local Silent Auctions and fundraisers, help promote others in town to shop small and local, ask a local paper to do a story on the shop (still hoping), ads on Craigslist and networks with therapists and teachers. The one thing that I couldn't do afford was to place an ad in the papers :( While i do wish I was busier each week, I am very happy with the friends & customers that did come in. I love watching peoples reaction to seeing all the items I have created, the wonder in their screams 'how did she make all this' or 'wow what patience to put those shells on one at a time' and then the big question for the larger items "How long did it take you to finish this?" The one statement I never understand is when people say "you are not charging enough." If that is the case then why aren't I selling more???? is what I would love to say but I know times are hard on many so I say hopeful things will pick up.
Tomorrow marks one year ago that I opened Karleen's Ideas :) I am proud of myself for doing it against the odds, I love that I followed my gut and most of all I love that each day I can make a new creation for someone to enjoy :) I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to open a shop down at the Port but until then I will enjoy my little shop on the Porch :)
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