Monday, May 27, 2013

New Challenges (original date 5/6/2010)

A few weeks ago I may have mentioned about Kyle disconnecting from himself when a construction crew was jackhammering outside our home. When they started jackhammering he started to become restless, then didn't want to follow tasks. Then he started to bury himself in to me, he couldn't regulate. He wouldn't answer me or look at me, he had a confused look on his face. It was so hard to watch him as I had no idea how to help him.  This was happening during an OT session and his OT sat in amazement as she had not seen this happen before. I tried giving him pressure but he did not react, and the same with deep squeezes.
Then Katenna (our dog) came running in and approached Kyle, Kyle yelled tenna & went to her. A  few minutes late the jackhammering stopped and within ten minutes Kyle was acting normal again. Katenna is a quiet dog, she has anxiety so she keeps to herself  but always puts her anxiety aside for Karl & Kyle when they need her. I so wish we cold afford to get her training to be their service dog, she helps them so much all on her own. I am so glad that she helped Kyle reconnect during his episode. Now we have to figure out what was happening to Kyle when jackhammering is going on. I don't think it is the noise bothering him, I think it may be the vibration. The plan now is when I can find construction area, try to get Kyle as close as possible to try and de-sensitize him to the vibration and/or noise. Getting closer each time we do this so he can get to the point jackhammering won't bother him at all.
Not sure if the following is connected to the above or another quirk coming up. Kyle wants a Binky, this baffles me as he never really used a Binky when he was a baby. I do know that when my granddaughter Jordyn comes over he tends to want a Binky but it was more playing around. He would take hers & use it, she would chase him to get it back. He never wanted it when she wasn't here but now he does. Now he needs it to take a nap & at bedtime. The is hard as I can't re-direct him until I find out why he needs/wants the Binky. Considering all three boys never really used a binky never mind get attached to a binky so I am clueless as to how to break his attachment to his binky. God really does love throwing new challenges at me, but thats OK I am up for the challenge as always. One thing is for sure, my life is not boring!!!!

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