Monday, May 27, 2013

Emotions are High (5/24/2010)

With our move date only a  few days ago emotions are high in the house. With all the stress and confusion things are hectic and it makes it tough for me to finish all the packing. It is affecting the boys differently.
Donald's stress cough has returned. He wants to move but doesn't want to move. He wants to get away from the bully at school but does not want to leave his best friend S. Donald and S have been best friends since Kindergarten. She is the one child who accepted him from the start and he adores her. I have told him that she will get her email so they can keep in contact with each other. He is nervous about starting a new school but he is happy the he will get to learn Spanish. I will work on some relaxing techniques to help him.
Karl tries to understand what move means when we talk to him but doesn't quite get it. He is withdrawing from things and keeping to himself. All he wants to do is watch Scooby Doo, he needs something to be the same. He doesn't understand why all his stuff is packed, I feel so bad. I talk with him everyday and hope it helps him a little. Thursday is his last day at school then it will be hard as his schedule will be thrown off. When we move he goes back into EI as their program is until age 5 unlike RI which is 3.
Kyle is so young he has no idea what is happening and he screams & crys a lot. He has no patience and wants me to hold him all the time. Of course the last thing I have time to do is carry him all day long. I am trying to help him as much as possible but it is hard when he wants to eat but doesn't want me to put him down so I can cook.
Even our dog Katenna is stressed out, poor girl. I know in a week or so I will get them all back in routine and they will be happy. They will have a large yard to play in w/o dogs barking at them. They will get to see their grandparents all the time and we will be ten minutes from the beaches.
As for me I am mentally & physically exhausted. I am excited, nervous, hopeful & hurt all at once.

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