Monday, May 27, 2013

Hard to Watch (original date 2/6/2010)

Karl got the stomach bug  (11pm on Wed) this week and it was so hard to watch him. He did not like throwing up, I know nobody does but for him it was bad. He was actually trying to stop himself from getting sick, I was up until 4:30am, slept until 6:30. All his crying and shaking made me wish I could wave a magic wand to make him better. All I could do is hold him and beg him to let it come up. Then he wouldn't eat or drink so I made jello with four times the water and used a medicine dropper to get fluids into him. By dinner time I got him to have some soup, had everyone have soup in case Kyle & Donald would get sick next. Well just as I had fallen asleep Donald yelled "Mom I threw up", I just wanted to cry. It was 11pm on Thursday night and I had only slept 2 hours since Wed morning. I cleaned everything up , went back to bed and an hour later he yells again. Luckily he can handle most things on his own so he told me to stay in bed. I went back to sleep and slept thru the night. All day friday he would either drink to fast or not drink at all, couldn't find a happy medium. Thank God he is better today. Kyle so far is good, I am hoping that last week when I thought it was acid reflux that it was the stomach bug so that will mean my house is done with the stomach bug.

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