Monday, May 27, 2013

Are you my friend or not?? (original date 3/30/2013)

Growing up with a sisters and a mother that lied, put me down and left me out of most things. I am not a person that believes in what a person says or writes. I have always felt that a persons actions or lack of actions show who a person truly is. So if you make a promise to me then do not follow through I will be hurt and I have a right to vent about it on my personal page. If your child is invited to my sons party and you do not RSVP but then post pics of how great your sons birthday party is, I will defriend you as my son was hurt. The most hurtful thing people say "we need to get together sometime," but then they are ALWAYS too busy when asked. You know what I am busy too but I would still try, I still ask for what to hear "when I was out to lunch with so and so" or "out with friends but I will get back to you" or the best post pics of girls night out that you had. Well I am done trying....
I know some think I am a bitch because I am assertive and passionate about things I believe in or when it comes to getting Society to do right by children. What you may not get my voice and my words are all I have so I use them to stand up for what is right. Yes I will call out a restaurant that clams to be GF friendly but are not following protocol because I would not want a friend of mine to have a seizure because they were mislead or have my youngest screaming all night with gas pain because of cross contamination. Yes I will use experiences my children face to help a group understand what is really going on in schools if I think it will help. Only to be called into the office and told I am not to share my sons experience. While many feel my assertiveness is too much, I say my assertiveness is making people think and that could lead to changes.
Autism - Yes Autism is ALL I talk about but that is because I have NOTHING else to talk about. As I said I do not go out to lunch with friends or have girls night out. My boys do not get invited over by friends, only been to 5 birthday parties for 3 kids since we moved here. My boys never have play dates no matter how much we ask. We do have sports but that is only a couple of months a year.
So for the reason to my blog today, I am done crying which means I am done trying. I was basically told that maybe I should stop doing so much like promoting Autism Awareness, The Autism Game and other things to have more time to do my sons homework. First no son has no interest in doing his homework because he feels it is a wastes of time and he already knows most of it so it does not matter how much time I have on my hands, getting him to do his homework is the most stressful art of my life. Second, taking away my work for Autism Awareness leaves me with no life and then I would feel more worthless than I already feel.
So here it is, if you want to be a part of my life, say what you mean and then follow through. Do NOT make vague comments and then be too busy all the time as that is just mean. Be honest, if you do not want your kids hanging out with my kids then say so. If your kids do not want to hang out with my kids don't feel they have to because were friends, tell me the truth, my kids doesn't like Donald. We would much rather know the truth than to be left hanging thinking we have friends.
It is interesting that I have strong friendships with many on facebook that I have never met and they seem to accept me for who I am and message me the minute they know something is wrong wishing they were closer. But others nearby could careless....  I know some are truly busy but there are many I just feel like they are nice to my face but really don't care and I need to know where I stand with people.
With all that said, if you are not a true friend to me, just defriend me from facebook and we will be acquaintances in town when we see each other. Because right now I need only true friends in my life right now.

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