Monday, May 27, 2013

Different Perspective (original date 7/24/2012)

The is a lot of controversy over Joe Scarborough's comments about the tragedy in Aurora. Just about every blog or article about the comments had the following that is in blue.
"As soon as I hear about this shooting, I knew who it was. I knew it was a young, white male, probably from an affluent neighborhood, disconnected from society — it happens time and time again. Most of it has to do with mental health; you have these people that are somewhere, I believe, on the autism scale," said Scarborough, whose son has Asperger's syndrome. "I don't know if that's the case here, but it happens more often than not. People that can walk around in society, they can function on college campuses — they can even excel on college campuses — but are socially disconnected."
I found it interesting that the following comments in red were left out of many blogs & articles.
"I have a son with Asperger's who is loved by everybody in his family and who is wonderful. But It is what it is for  those who may not have a loving family and a support group and may be a bit further along on the autism spectrum.”
If you have read my previous blogs or know me then you know that I do not always think or feel the same way as many in the Autism Community. I tend to think out of the box and/or look at the big picture of things said or done. When I first saw many posts with anger about Joe's comments, I was angry by what I read. This  lead me to watch the video and I found that he had said more and I was not angry anymore and I can agree with some of his comments. Please read on before getting upset.
We all raise our children differently & we all have different feelings about Autism and different techniques to help our children. I embrace Autism, I am very strict, we are structured, push my boys through the quirks & OCD behavior and lots of love. I believe in balance in raising all my children and my boys are raised the same way their NT sister was raised. Many feel I am wrong to discipline the boys because they have Autism but I know it is helping them with the reality of life and helping them understand the expectations of Society. I do not allow Autism to be an excuse for bad behavior or for meltdowns, they are taught to redirect and work through the meltdown. I do this because the reality of it is that they would be fired from a job for a meltdown. Now there are many parents who do not discipline or discipline differently, there are parents that give there child anything they want to keep them happy and there are parents that live in denial and just push their child through life without helping them.
This is where Joe's comments come from, now I do feel he could have chosen better words, but his point is true. Children that have parents that go through the motions, pushing the child with Autism to the side and just gives them  things to the child to keep him/her quiet are not getting the love & support they need. Any child raised like this tends to have anger issues and can be violent, if you add Autism to the situation it will make things worse. Remember that that early intervention was not used as often or at all  as it is today and a young adult could be a ticking time bomb. Now I do not know the shooter nor do I have an opinion if he is on the spectrum, this blog is about Joe's comments and how I can understand what he was trying to say even if his wording was wrong.

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