Sunday, May 26, 2013

Let The Fun Begin (original blog 1/2/2010)

We have had a late start today, that will mean no workout so no me time today. My workouts are my lifesaver breaks everyday. Donald is being very difficult today, I think his alignment is off & his appointment is not until the 7th. Karl had a good start to the day by using the potty. Now to get him to use it all the time is the problem, one time he loves it and then he is deathly afraid of it. Poor Kyle, his acid reflux is acting up which leads to a runny nose and him choking on post nasal drip. Kyle has a hard time registering what is in his mouth so he chokes easily. My hope for today is to get some shopping done and pre-cook meatballs & meatloaf to freeze. If my poly pellets come in I will finish weighted blankets today. Now lets see what the boys will actually let me get done, let the fun begin.
              It's almost eleven & my day is ending. The boys were good for the most part, no sensory issues today. The main thing was them bossing each other around. Donald seems to think he can boss Karl around and Karl thinks he can boss Kyle around. Poor Kyle has no one to boss around. For me, I made 50 meatballs, four meatloaves, divided breaded chicken into 7 meals. So I now have about 20 meals in the freezer to save me time later this month. had to buy pellets so I was able to complete one weighted blanket and almost finished another. Tonight we had meatballs & spag (I had spag squash), Karl & Donald ate it up right away. Kyle as usual didn't want the meat but he ate the spag which is unusual as he normally won't eat white food.
Tomorrow is another day,  good night all.

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