Monday, May 27, 2013

Regression (original date 9/26/2010)

REGRESSION -  The one words a parent never wants to see in their child, her someone say or have to admit to it.
This is when a child loses a skill they had once done. This summer we moved, we took a break from appointments & schedules. I wanted to give the boys time  to adjust to the new house & town before introducing new therapists & schools. I felt too much too soon would have been too overwhelming for them & me. With no schedules, some days were good, some bad & some I was wishing for bedtime by noon. I think the break from schedules did do them some good overall. They enjoyed the mid-day breaks to dance to loud music. Karl was interesting loving to dance, loving the songs but at times would cover his ears because it was loud. So he would be dancing while covering his ears with a big smile on his face.
The down side to  winging it was some regression took place, mostly with Karl. Karl starting needing his chew tube again & his behavior took a down fall. He hadn't used a chew tube for the better part of eight months so it was a shocker when I found him walking around with one. The hard part is I have not been able to find out what the trigger is so I can redirect him. His level of frustration has been intense, he will have trouble doing something and he gets frustrated, when you try to help he gets real mad. So I am at a catch 22, I give him two minutes to complete his task & if he still insists I don't help I will take it away and help him against his will. Once I have completed the task he is happy & thanks me. I re-affirm with his to ask for help, he says OK Mommy but I don't thinks he understands my words. Some frustrations lead to an all out meltdown & there are times he will go & hide which scares me now that he does it in public now. I get nervous that he will get lost because he is hiding under something. If Grandma babysits he refuses to leave her house. Going to Grandmas for babysitting is still new as they have been in Maine about 2yrs before us.
Kyle's food issues have gotten more severe & confusing. I know he does not like to eat meat but one day he will go to bed for not eating at least some of the meat then two weeks late he will gobble it up in no time. They had been cooked exactly the same way so i don't know what the difference is. Kyle now needs a schedule to tell him what is coming next & with the food pictures I am going to use the first & then board to get more food into him.
Donald is too smart for his own good. He thinks that he has outsmarted me but he doesn't. I told him that he may know more facts about some topics than me but I have common sense so he won't get anything by me. The sooner he realizes that the better his life will be. He needs to get the message, Mom ALWAYS knows when he is lying & when he has done something he shouldn't have without seeing him do it.
All of them - hitting each other, I am so done with all the hitting. One will hit the other and make him cry then the other hits back & the first comes running to me crying. Poor Karl will be crying, admit he hit first but not understand why the both get a timeout. Donald will hit Karl for no reason, not hard but to annoy Karl. I get upset because it is usually in the head or face. Donald keeps saying his mind told him to do it, that excuse does not fly with me so Donald has had very little Facebook time these past few month.
Tonight I had to sort out pictures schedules for the boys. I had tears in my eyes that I have to do this again. Now I need to do it for two as K&K have different schedules. Tomorrow make copies of some pictures & get K&K use to using the schedule. Donald is creating his own schedule because he loses track of time on ALL tasks. i am hoping that since he is doing the schedule, he will follow it. Monday Karl starts school so I am hoping that it will help get all boys back on track.

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