Monday, May 27, 2013

Going Nonstop (original date 1/21/2010)

The past few days I have been going non-stop. Tuesday I got a good workout in and spent most of the day getting the house back on track. I went to Donald's Math Masters Awards, I am so proud of him. He work so hard to pass the addition part of Math Masters, now he is working on subtraction. He has been working pretty hard at home the past couple of days. He was very happy to earn $3 to clean his brothers room yesterday. He is working on cursive handwriting in school now and he is finding it easier than printing. He wrote me a note to show me how he can do. "Dear Mom, Thank you for taking care of us. Love Donald". I am a very lucky Mom.
Kyle has major sensory issues with crowds so we arrived at Math Masters very early. I gave him time to walk around the gym while thee was no one there. We got front row seating since we were so early, this was important so he wouldn't feel trapped with people all around him. I had brought his portable booster seat so he couldn't run around. A girl sat near us and left one seat open as long as she could and she would look at Kyle and smile every once in a while. Her Mom & I were talking about Kyle & crowds so she understood to take it slowly with him. It made me feel good to see a teen care about how Kyle felt. When the room fill up she had to move closer to Kyle, she even asked if he was ready for her to move closer and he was.  So things went well until we had to leave as everyone leaving at once. He is keeping his clothes on most of the time, although today he didn't want his pants on at all. Poor Kyle has gotten a small cold and the post nasal drip makes him choke because he can't register it.
Karl was very happy to start school on Tuesday, he kept saying school & friends. It is very exciting that he want to see friends. A year ago he didn't care what others did he wanted to be on his own. On January 26, 2009 we started Karl on a fish oil treatment, it was as though we turned a light switch on for him. Within a week he was doing better in therapy. Two weeks after starting he could pass some receptive language tasks where as on January 10, 2009 he had had failed those same tasks. Within two months he wanted us to do things with him, who knew fish oil could do so much. On Tuesday I observed him at Kids gym and he loves to run around. He doesn't stay on one thing too long so I asked him to play basketball with me. He would toss the ball to me for a few mintutes and leave and come back. I will continue to do this to try and get his time frame up for one on one activities with other things distracting him at the same time. I am happy to say that today Karl wore a striped shirt, this is big considering he doesn't like stripes.
For me, I started to get a cold but drank a lot of tea and it is going away. This week I have made a weighted vest, weighted blanket and designed a Family Weight Lap Pad. Yesterday I put a message up asking all my FB friends to become a fan of my business Karleen's Ideas. Then I sent out page suggestion to them, I have done this a few times to try and spread the word about my business. This time I am looking at things a little different. Most of my life I have been surrounded by people who call themselves my friend. I am always there for my friends, support, help, listen or whatever is needed because the word friend means something to me. This time I have been paying close attention to who becomes a fan because I feel if they are truely my friends they would want to support me with my business. I should say that my FB friends are a few online friends that I have chatted with for some time with CafeMom and the rest I personally know. Today a "friend" that I have known for 32 years did not become a fan of K I page, that hurt, the old me would have made an excuse for her and gone on chatting with her anyway. Not anymore, I de-friended about ten people so far for not wanting to support me with my business. I have worked real hard on building my business, I am scared to succeed but I want to succeed so I am going to work thru my fears. To do that I have to be surrounded by people that support me. Since my Dad died there is only a  hand full believed in me, my own sister told me my business ideas were stupid. This was before Autism entered our lives, it took me 2 years to get past her comments. I am glad I got past her comments, I love my work, I love helping children and parents. My feeling is if you are my friend & support my business, this means you believe in me & that means a lot to me.
I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU  to all who believe in me & who support my business.

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