Monday, May 27, 2013

Food at School (original date 4/20/2010)

On the news tonight I heard yet another story that blames the school lunches for overweight kids. This time it is brought up because recruits for the Military are overweight. School lunches are healthier now than I have ever seen them before so why is everyone blaming the lunches and food offered at school as the problem. K&K will eat healthy but Donald is borderline, Donald is more of a junk food junky and as long as he is thin and eats some fruits and veggies, he can eat all the junk he wants.
I am sure you are wondering why I allow this, it is because he is active as are all my boys so I don’t worry. I ate all the junk food in the world and was underweight most of my life, partially because of my thyroid but mostly because I was active. I ran around at recess, loved gym & played sports. I feel the overweight problems in America has more to do with people, not just kids being in-active. Computer, videos games & 2000 channels on TV have more to do with people being overweight than what the school serves for lunch.  Budgets cuts cutting down on sports and phys ed classes cause kids to be overweight.
One school year we get told kids can no longer bring in cupcakes to celebrate their birthday, they are to bring healthy foods such as carrots or fruit. Seriously who the hell wants to celebrate their birthday with a carrot? Oh wait they said we could send in pencils too, thats really how kids celebrate. The next year we get told nothing can be brought in. I really don't think 20 cupcakes a year cause overweight kids. I am waiting for the day a school administrator tries to tell me what I can send to school for MY child to eat. My boys have sensory issues with food so I decide what they eat not a school. My kids take cookies to school and they will continue to take cookies to school as long as they want to eat the. They also have a banana with their lunch so it is balanced. Schools also don't celebrate holidays anymore, I think sweets are part of the reason and this is unfair to children. So we have a Halloween Party & Christmas Party every year & I make all kinds of treats for the kids to enjoy. At the Christmas parties kids are to bring their favorite Christmas treat & the kids talk about their traditions. this works great as some kids may not celebrate Christmas so the kids can learn about other religions.
Recess is now controlled as kids can not play chase, dodge ball or others recess sports that school administrators find dangerous. OK so maybe they can be a little dangerous but with the right teaching and supervision they should be allowed. Oh that’s right most of society doesn’t tell kids what is right and wrong anymore. Some idiot told parents “don’t say no to your child” and “only use positive reinforcement” so now kids and teens have no idea what a consequence is & things are out of control.
Don’t get me wrong I do believe in positive reinforcement but as with everything in life it needs balance. Almost everything can be good for you in moderation. Kids need positive reinforcement but they also need to be told NO and told when they are wrong. The same goes with food, let them have junk food but in moderation. For example I know children who have BK or Mc D’s three times a week, we used fast food as a treat and have it have or twice a month. I firmly believe in home cook meals, I know it is time consuming but it is worth it in the long run. I try to take one or two days a month to pre-cook and freeze meals  for the days I don’t have time to cook. Today for example Donald has practice so I pulled American Chop Suey out of the freezer and it took ten minutes to heat up.
We only own one gaming unit, it is a gameboy that Donald's cousin gave him and he only has one game for it. The only reason I allowed it was for appointments. When Donald gets nervous or stressed the GB helps him relax. We have no intention on buying a play station, heck other than PS or Wii I have no idea what other games are on the market. We might get a Wii fitness if at some point the price comes down on the unit and games. I don't believe in spending thousands on videos games, i would rather get memberships to zoos, museums or get the kids swim lessons or karate lessons.
I wish the government would put millions into sports and phys ed instead of the foods at schools. Let the parents decide what their kids can eat, if the parent doesn't like what is served for lunch their child can brown bag lunch. What children eat is a parents responsibility not the governments responsibility. Taking this away from parents is just one more way to show that is no consquence to someones actions. Parents have to parent for themselves, teach their children what is right and wrong, teach their child balance in life and this includes teaching them how to eat a balanced diet & getting exercise.
One last thing on this topic "Kids need to be Kids", they need to eat, play & learn.

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