Monday, May 27, 2013

Nightmare Come True (original date 1/5/2010)

  For a while now I have known that K.M. has been lying to me. I prayed, pleaded and begged God for my gut feeling to be wrong. Today I found out I was right all along, she has been talking to her abusive ex and she dropped the restraining order she had against him. I am not surprised as I knew all along she would take him back even though he never even tried to get actual help. What hurt was the fact that she lied about it all. She keeps claiming she is an adult but acts like a child by lying. She wants me to support her but I can't as my gut feeling about him is bad and he has proven it right all along. He has snowed her & has her pulling away from us, this time I am making the hardest decision, I am not fighting for her. It only makes a bigger wedge and she has put a big enough wedge by lying to me. I have asked for visits with my granddaughter but I don't think he will allow that and she will do whatever he wants. I will take my step back and let things play out, it s a hard thing to do but she has to learn on her own. I will be praying he does not hurt K.M.or my granddaughter, I know he will be good for a while but once he is comfortable that will change.
        After I handle all of that and made my decisions, the day was going good. I made two sweatshirts, we had dinner, I played with the kids.
   Then my day got worse when while Donald was to be reading to K&K, I heard Karl crying. I went upstairs and found Karl crawling away from Donald who was standing over Karl hurting him. Donald was trying to make K&K stay in their bed while he reads, even though we have told him over and over again that they don't have too. I don't know how to get Donald to stop bossing his brothers around. Donald is now grounded from TV, toys and computer, he can not be in the same room as his brothers until he proves that he has learned a lesson and has to write 2000 times "I will not hurt my brothers". Please don't think we are being to hard, this is not the first time he has done something like this. Donald's need to make everyone do things the way he wants them done is driving me crazy. After Hubby and I talked with Donald on a phone call I cleaned my office and organized it a bit( can you tell my OCD is being organized). It was a mess from Christmas orders. I am going to sleep now so I can have a better day tomorrow. Good Night All.

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