Monday, May 27, 2013

Autism & Vacation (original date 2/28/2010)

  I know I haven't written in a while, sorry. We had two weeks of sensory overload, one week Donald & one Kyle, will talk about that in tomorrows blog. Also been working to get ready to take the boys on vacation. This is our first vacation in two years, then Karl was 18 months, Donald 6 & I was pregnant with Kyle. On that trip Donald had his dx of AS and we were just starting the process with Karl. Boy I  have learned so much since then. We are with their Grandparents at a Timeshare in NH, nice part is that we have a Chalet so it is a home away from home. Two weeks ago I started the planning of the trip, cooked & froze meals and have been packing for a week.
          The fun part was doing everything I normally do and do everything for the trip by myself since Mike was on the road until we were leaving. Planning meals that everyone will eat, making sure I brought the right toys, stuffed animals and making sure I didn't forget any major items needed for daily routines. It is nice that we drive so I can packed everything and not have to worry about flying. Oh, and in the mist of all that I had to make sure Donald stays calm about the trip or his stress cough may come back and he would be very sick the entire vacation. Well we drove 3 hours yesterday, I planned it perfectly, ate lunch in the car and the two  littles ones took their naps for most of the ride & Donald played his gameboy. When we got here the little ones were running like crazy checking everything out, ran into every room about 10 times to get familier with them. Donald felt much better when we got here because he remembered everything from the last time.  After a bit the boys settled down and played. Grandparents arrived and they were back to running around trying to figure out why they were going to live with us. By dinner Karl was OK with things but Kyle was not sure yet and it showed during dinner. For the first 20 minutes he refused to eat but gave in finally. After dinner we took them to the pool, poor Mike trying to handle all three in the mens room. I couldn't helped but laugh as I could hear everything while changing. K & K took turns running out of the mens room as he was trying to change them. I took Karl for him when I finished but Klye still gave him a hard time which was OK because it gave me time with Karl to help him get used to the pool. For the first twenty minutes he would only walk on the step, at first got upset when his bathing suit got wet. Then he came around and let me take in deeper but he held on like glue. We also found out that he does not like the hot tubs, "TOO HOT" is what I got told very sternly. Two years ago he had a blast in the hot tubs but he also didn't feel pain at that time either although we didn't know that at the time.  Last night they woke up about 5 times which wasn't to bad for a new place. Donald coughed a couple of times but I talk with him about relaxing so the cough doesn't ruin his vacation and he have to stay in bed. The talk seems to have worked because he hasn't coughed since. Today has been good except for nap time, Kyle took over an hour to go down. We have weighted blankets, balls, heavy balls, chew tubes, favorite snacks & My squeezes so I hope we can handle everything that comes our way this week.

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