Monday, May 27, 2013

Last Day of Vacation (Original Date 1/3/2010)

Today is the last day of the boys Christmas vacation and they slept until 8am this morning. I am looking forward to them going back to school, they need to get back on schedule. Vacations are nice but it throws them off schedule and then they act up quite a bit. Today is yoga class, one hour I can relax and not think about everything I have to do today. I will complete the two small weighted blankets today, work on website and start an order for two sweatshirts. After the boys naps it is play time for the rest of the day, they will have me 100%, no work, no cooking, just me and the boys relaxing & having fun. We will see what today brings.
     Well it was a very late start today but I made it to Yoga on time. Too bad it was a bad instructor, I really wanted that Yoga time. But I went and got a cardio & weight workout in so all is good. It was another Sunday K.M. couldn't be bothered with going to Yoga or Family dinner. I understand she is busy but she makes time for everyone else, she makes me feel like because I don't buy her & Rosecake  things I can't see them. It is always more important to spend time with her ex's parents, or my sisters than with us. It was the same thing this whole Holiday season, since Thanksgiving we have seen them maybe 4 hours. We got 2 hours on Christmas and half of that was planing the rest of her day and getting ready to go to everyone elses house.  Well on to the good stuff, I chatted with a Mom at the Y, of course it ended up being about SID & Sensory things related. But it was nice to chat, I have belonged to the Y for over a year and really don't know anyone besides the employees. I am polite and say Hi to those I see often but I am too afraid to make friends because someone may  know my sisters. See I don't have a relationship with my sisters anymore, I walked away from them a few years ago. I am not good enough to be part of their family as my Mom always said I am ugly & stupid. My Mom didn't like me either, in this day & age she would have been dx with Bi-polar. There was always reality & her version of reality, well her version about me was never nice and she made sure my sisters always believed her version. So I gave up trying to be good enough to be loved by them and since I walked away I am trying to be confident in myself but it is hard. I know I shouldn't believe my Mother's words about how ugly & stupid I am but I do, it is hard to go against what you were told your whole life.
           No matter how sad the previous words are, how my family treated me is helping me be strong for my boys and is helping me push for their accepteance in society. I am different from most people I say it like it is, I am like this because I grew up around so many lies, such fakeness I couldn't stand it. People thought I had a great family, if they only knew the truth. All I had growing up was my Dad and my Aunt, they truly cared for me, they accepted me for me. I will not hide my boys Autism, I am raising them to be proud of who they are and what they are. It  shows in Donald who this year told his class about his Autism. He felt that if they understood why he does certain things then they would accept him and he was right. Now we have to get the parents to be more accepting. I am teaching my boys that the word Friend should mean something as it means something to me. If I say you are my friend you can bet I will be there when you need me. I can't stand when people say they are my friend but then I have a baby, they know my Hubby is on the road and not one of these "friends" offer to take Donald to Baseball practice when they are going to the same place because our kids are on the same team. Then they comment how they can't believe I am up & about so soon after having Kyle, like I had a choice. And I can't stand the "let's get  together for lunch sometime" statement and then you never hear from them but when you run into them all you hear is how busy they are, well I am busy too but I make time for my friends. Who knows maybe I expect too much, I don't know, I just want to know I matter as their friend. It's hard when someone says you are their friend then they post pictures of a party, yet you were not invited. How are you suppose to take that???I know I am mis-understood because I believe in being an honest friend rather than a polite acquaintance. Wow I got way off track, as I started to say I chatted with another Mom today and I was glad I had the courage to talk. I completed the weighted blankets, added water resistant weighted blankets & texture blankets to the website & relaxed with the boys. So all an all today was a good day, now I am off to bed early as School starts up again in the morning. YEAH!!!! Tomorrow is another day, good night.

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