Monday, January 20, 2014

Your Vote & The Price Your Neighbors Will Pay!!!!!!!!

      A couple of months ago was the first time I was given a flyer about the referendum. I took one look at it and instantly felt it was over the top in costs. While I agree the schools need repairs, upgrades and small expansions, this plan was too costly for our town. Since then RSU 21 families have been bombarded with information about the referendum, countless emails, postings on facebook, flyers, seeing display boards, mail and even handed a flyer at my sons parent teachers conference. In the last few weeks the discussions on facebook have increased a great deals and not in a good way. For a while I did not comment on anything knowing that no matter what I said or asked I would be attacked and told I was being negative as it has happened many times in the past. It is not that I am always negative, it is that many perceive my comments as negative as my comments do not conform to what the 'popular' crowd agrees with. As I said for a while a did not comment but I did do a lot of reading and then started doing some research. The more I read the more I felt my instinct to vote 'no' was the correct choice but felt I should get more information as I had a couple of questions. So I wrote a blog on my perspective of the referendum, commented and then asked questions. Of course I was met with opposition, most of which was civil but I could feel the tension. Because I felt the tension I asked  friends to ask questions for me so I would not be attacked. Sure enough their questions were met with answers minus the tension. So at one point during the thread I asked a couple of questions trying to clarify what others stated and was met with "Why be so negative about the sports Karleen?"  SO as long as someone else asks my questions, my questions are allowed. I really wish all the people that feel I am so negative would understand that my speaking up about wrongs that have been done is to help my children, their children and ALL children. Sorry but I WILL NOT conform to accept what is and will always strive for what is right and what our children deserve.

       MANY agree that the repairs need to be done and want them to be done. The problem is that the school board and committee made a very irresponsible decision by only putting one plan on the ballot. If the school board was really concerned about making sure the repairs got done with this referendum then they would have put two plans on the ballot. One plan that is only what is needed and another plan of what is needed and what is wanted. That would have been a fair way to let voters show how they want the repairs but cannot afford the wants.

   If my washer machine breaks, I go to the store to buy a new one, the sales person will always talk up the better model. At that point I will balance my budget  and make the decision on what I can afford and IF the extras are beneficial to me. The problem with having a community vote on this referendum is that those who feel their budget can handle the tax increase are also deciding on what their neighbors can afford without knowing what they neighbors budget. So basically the 'yes' voters are FORCING  their neighbors to take the tax increase, which is not fair for those on fixed incomes.  I have heard it said that the tax increase is only $1 a day. Way to downplay the fact that that $1 a day is $30 a month of groceries or 100 gallons of oil. By voting yes tomorrow, you will be forcing those on fixed incomes to go without food, heating oil, not be able to give the neighbors child a few bucks to shovel for him or worse force your neighbor to move out of our wonderful community.

    While I really want the repairs and necessary improvements, knowing that voting yes means my neighbors may go hungry, without heat, have a heart attack shoveling or be forced to move because of my vote means I will be voting 'NO.'

'Yes' voters how will you feel when you hear that your neighbor is going hungry, your neighbor is in the hospital with pneumonia because he/she could not afford that 100 gallons of oil, your neighbor had a heart attack because he shoveled after a snow storm or you start seeing 'For Sale' signs around town?? 

Can you really live with the consequences knowing that your neighbors paid the price for your 'yes' vote while you have a full stomach, are warm, healthy and have a home in Kennebunk to live in.

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