I could barely sleep last night worrying about the election results. Mike kept telling me not to worry but my gut was telling me something very different. Then around 6am I looked at my phone and my nightmare was true, Donald Trump was elected President. So many things went through my head, wondering how we are going to tell the boys, how we will assure them everything will be OK and how I will do it while keeping my emotions in check.
You may be wondering why our boys would be so affected by the election results, well our boys are not your average children. Growing up with Autism has given them a different perspective on life, just as my childhood gave me a different perspective on life. The boys have been watching and learning during this election, some has been good, some bad and some very bad. Early on in the election, the boys did not like Trump, they had a bad feeling about him. While we did try to keep a lot of the bad stuff away from the boys, they did hear some things from Trump videos. Each time, they would be very upset with his words. They would say he is mean, that he should respect woman and that he is a bully. My boys know what a bully looks like as they have had to deal with them, just like every woman survivor knows Trump is an abuser as we have dealt with them. Mike and I have raised the boys to respect woman and to treat them right, so we were proud that they knew Trump's behavior was wrong. What concerned us was that Trump supporters didn't.
When the boys got up this morning, we told them. Donald didn't believe us and K&K were upset. Karl cried, he said, "all my wishes and prayers were wasted." My heart broke as I asked him what he meant. He said "every 11:11 he wished Trump would lose and he prayed to God that he would lose." He asked to stay home, then Kyle asked to stay home also, we said they could. We turned on the cartoon Skylanders for a couple of episodes to let them relax for a bit. Then we asked them what their fears were. Kyle didn't really have any fears but did not like that Trump won. Karl worried about the wall, Trump being mean but he mostly feared what will happen to therapies for children. See Karl understands how much his Early Intervention helped him, he understands how important therapy is and he fears that since Trump mocks people with Special Needs that he will not want to help them like Hillary wanted to help. At age 10 Karl is so wise, he has the ability to see the bigger picture even when he doesn't understand it all, he takes after me like that. This ability can be a blessing and a curse, it gives us the ability to see both sides of situations but it also shows us how things can go horribly wrong, luckily it also gives us time to prepare. Knowing that Karl was feeling the same feelings I had been feeling, I explained to the boys that everything would be OK. I explained that I had the same fears as Karl, that the support for children with Autism would be decreased and that Autism acceptance may get harder but not to worry. I explained to them that our shop opened just in time to help families, I reminded them that all the toys we sell are Sensory, Therapy and Social based and that we can teach parents how to help their children like we helped our boys. We also talked about how as a family we have overcome many obstacles and that we will continue to do so.
Then we turned our talk to respecting Mr. Trump. We talked about the fact that while we like President Obama, there are many that did not approve of him and bashed him every chance they could. Mike and I explained to the boys that there will not be any Trump bashing in our house and that we will respect Mr. Trump as our President even if we do not agree with him or his actions. We explained that no matter what we would protect the boys, that I may have to become a more vocal Autism Activist and that together we can do anything. We talked about how we can do our part to make America great again by being good to others.
Now for my message to America - No President can make America great again!!!!!! Only Americans can make America great!!!!
Ways to do that are:
Stop bashing others!
Stop putting other down!
Stop judging!
Stop assuming!
Let people have their own opinion!
Be supportive!
Be Caring!
Be understanding!
Accept Difference!
Shop Local!
Look for the positive!
Get off your computer more!
Be friends in real life, not just online!
Stop complaining and start living!
I could go on and on but I think you get the idea;)
Embrace Autism
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
More than a Gift Shop
My shop
sign says Karleen’s Ideas ‘Gift Shop’ but Karleen’s Ideas is so much more than
a gift shop. I have combined my love for
children & my love for creating to help Special Needs families and to make
unique gifts for everyone.
parents told me that even when I was sick in the hospital I always wanted to
play & help the other children in the hospital, I am happy to say that I
never outgrew wanting to help others. Now 43 years later God has blessed me
with 4 amazing children even though Doctors thought that would be impossible.
My daughter is typical, well as typical as any child can be, LOL and our 3 sons
have Autism. From the moment Dr. Singer said that Donald should be tested for
Autism, I have been eager to learn the best ways to help him and then his
brothers. About 8 years ago Donald’s OT asked me if I could try to make a
weighted blanket at reasonable prices as she knew I could sew. I looked at some
examples of weighted blankets and did a lot of research before I designed my
weighted blankets. Over the years I have tweaked my technique but one thing
that has not changed is that they are made with love. While there are many
companies that are making millions selling weighted blankets, I am not making
those millions as I am not making them to get rich, I am making them to help
children. Shortly after I started making weighted blankets, I created pressure
tubes, weighted lap pads, weighted shawls, sensory bags, sensory blankets and
fidget strips. I will not have a large number of items in stock as most items
are custom made for the child/adult that needs them. I believe it is more
important to make a weighted blanket to what a person likes and what their
interests are instead of them just getting what is in stock. I work with parents to create the perfect
weighted blanket or sensory item for each child.

As I said Karleen’s Ideas is more than a Gift Shop, at Karleen’s Ideas you will find many Shell Crafts, Jewelry, Christmas Stockings, Hats, Neck Warmers, Dream Catchers, Wind Chimes, Awareness Items, Sensory items and Therapy Toys. You will also find me ready to help you find or design the perfect gift for your loved one, help you find the perfect sensory item, help you create a sensory diet for your child or yourself and to help you understand your sensory based child. In the near future I will be having workshops to help parents. It was always a dream of mine to have my own store, Karleen’s Ideas is not only my dream come true, it is a future for my sons. Adults with Autism have a difficult time keeping a typical job so there will be times you will see the boys working at the shop so they can learn how to run a business. Working at the shop will also help them with social situations, they will learn to be independent, learn to work together and learn how to help others.
So when you need a special gift, a weighted blanket, sensory item or therapy toys, I hope you stop by Karleen’s Ideas.
Grand Opening is April 1st as it is the perfect way to start Autism Awareness Month.
Karleen's Ideas
24 Ocean Ave.
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