Sunday, June 7, 2015

Small Breakthrough

     Karl struggles with understanding what the right choice is most of the time. Many times he makes the wrong decision because he is confused about what is right and what is wrong.  While I do my best to teach him right from wrong, it is hard for him to understand as he sees his peers break the rules, at times peers have played tricks on him by telling him to do the wrong thing or because it a confusing situation. We have been working with him on this topic, trying social stories, explaining what he should do and recently I have been using movies to help.

     When we watch a movie where a character makes a bad decision, I pause the movie and talk with Karl and Kyle. I ask them if the decision was good or bad. They usually understand it was a bad decision, so I ask why it was a bad decision. They give me examples and are usually spot on. So then I ask them what could be some consequences from that bad decision, they have fun trying to figure out what is going to happen n the movie. Then we watch the movie, pausing now and then to discuss their answers verses what happened and discuss what could happen in real life.

 Last night I came home and he ran up to me, this was our conversation:

K - "Does Amazon cost money to watch a movie?
Me - "Yes, some movies cost money. Why?
K - "I was looking for a movie, I found one and clicked on it. I saw it would cost money and thought:

         Mommy will be mad at me
         I will get in trouble
         I will get grounded

     So I shut Amazon off and went on Netflix."
Me - "I AM SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I picked him up an held him so tight :)